Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to School day 2

 Again, Healer is on the left, Salix on the right.
 Using the yarn we dyed, Healer started weaving on the loom he made at Children of the Boreal, a homeschool cooperative inspired by Waldorf philosophies

 Salix learned to finger knit and made himself a new bracelet- the orange one. He used the yarn we dyed earlier.
 Fred Meyer was out of Ricotta cheese, so we made some ourselves. It took a whole half gallon of milk!

 we drained off the whey and saved it for boiling noodles
 the curds
 squeezing and pressing the cheese

 Time for our first Spanish lesson.
 Keeping these two quiet was not easy!
 Salix is so ready for his lesson to start

 When we got home, we made a filling out of the ricotta and boiled manicotti in whey, then stuffed the noodles.

 The home made ricotta is so much more flavorful than store bought. Yum!


  1. holy cow, mama! you are so awesome! what an inspiration and what lucky boys you have!

  2. I know! Ricotta sounds great- then making a lovely meal- fantastic!
