Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Harvesting and Processing

Harvesting Kale and Parsley
creating Kale Balls to freeze
Parsley is chopped and then frozen



  1. What do you do with the kale balls?

  2. I suppose this is where more writing would come in handy!

    The Kale Balls are taken out in the winter when I make soup. I take out one or two balls when I start making soup, let them thaw just a little, then slice them up, still frozen and add them to the soup towards the end of cooking. I like them chopped pretty fine.

    Another good way to freeze Kale is to put it in the food processor (everything I've read says you should blanch it to keep in nutrients, although I often do it raw when I do it this way and it tastes fine- can't speak for the nutrients) then I freeze it in ice cube trays or in blobs on wax paper. Doing it this way is nice because I don't have to cut it frozen, but I tend to get a little lazy and prefer to leave the chopping up task for Future Self, rather than troubling Present Self with that. I usually do the food processor method if I also have a bit of basil that needs to be frozen, but not enough to do a whole batch of basil. Then I end up with herbed kale cubes. Also an excellent addition to soup.

  3. I used the kale ball method and it worked so well! I hope to do a little tutorial on my blog with pics AND writing and I will link back to your blog when I do! Herbed kale balls...oh the possibilities are endless, aren't they!?!

  4. Cool, good to know! Thanks for the explanation.
